Emergency Preparedness and Management


MPCA Emergency Preparedness and Management focuses on the resources, training, and technical assistance necessary to allow health centers strengthen their capacity to prepare, respond and recover from an emergency or disaster.

MPCA works to promote collaboration and integration, to ensure that Michigan health centers are represented in statewide, regional and local emergency planning and response.

We hope you find this page to be a helpful and convenient repository for information, both new and evergreen, on all things related to health centers and emergency preparedness.

Highlighted Topics

  • Join the Emergency Preparedness Network
    • This email listserv connects you with Emergency Management peers from Michigan health centers, and keeps you up to date on the latest, information and resources regarding Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response. Visit our peer learning and user group page to join.
  • For New Emergency Preparedness Staff
    • For health center staff who may be new to the Emergency Preparedness position, or who are returning after an absence, we have a basic FAQ and quick links to the most critical links and information you need to get up and running coming soon!
  • Core Elements of EP for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)






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